Slowing Down to the Speed of Presence

Joey Torkildson
2 min readJan 5, 2020
Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash

This is not a unique idea. I’ve heard this phrase before. At first I thought it was my own idea, then I googled it and thought “Damn it” some other badascial human being has come up with this idea! Ha! Love it!

What does this phrase mean to you?

Here is what it means to me:

Look at people deeper.

Enjoy the good and the bad that life has to offer.

Have a significantly higher level of acceptance of everyone in the world.

Be more aware of your surroundings.

Feel when you are out of alignment.

Smile more, laugh more, cry more.

Get in more crush’s with life and people.

Allow life to happen and flow through you.

Give others and life WAY more attention.

Slow down.

Really look at nature.

Take a walk on a country road without your phone.

Go somewhere, anywhere without your phone.

Go on an adventure. What does that mean to you? Lord of the Rings, mountain Biking, picking up a hitchhiker, help a fellow human when it’s inconvenient to you BUT super amazing to them.

Just appreciate your breathe.

Don’t shop for anything for a month and LOVE the things and situation you are currently in.

Really smile at a stranger.

Hold the look with that stranger for one or two more second than normal.

Let someone in while in traffic.

Be someone’s secret ally without telling them!

The speed of presence is so important. It’s the way to more fulfillment, more happiness, and way more peace. Dip your toes in the water of it or pull the throttle back completely. Love, laugh, and love some more! We all need more loving kindness and the speed of presence will help!



Joey Torkildson

Intentional Living! Now is the time to experiment…don’t wait. Take action, create stories, get uncomfortable! Join me!