How Would I Live If I Was EXACTLY What’s Needed to Heal the World

Joey Torkildson
3 min readMar 12, 2022
Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

We think that we have to be some super star, Jesus like character to heal the world or make a dent in the Universe.

We are all inundated with people around the world doing fantastical things. That paralyzes us! We get a weird version of imposter syndrome thinking we are in the wrong spot or the wrong body or the wrong this or that.

That is very unfortunate that we can all heal the world and change the course of history with our actions but we don’t think we can.

We think that what we do doesn’t make a difference or what we say doesn’t make an impact but we have the ability every day with every interaction to heal, to uplift, to change someone’s day, to change our own day, to energzie, to just be present for someone.

I had an amazing opportunity to read an article titled Doing Good vs. Doing Nothing. For me, that is now a weekly or daily read. It’s a life changer under one condition, you implement it.

The premise is surrounded by a piece of advice: Always go to the funeral.

What this means is that you are going to run into things like funerals, that you technically should go to but maybe you don’t feel comfortable going because of all kinds of excuses under the sun like, I won’t know anyone, I didn’t know the deceased that well, I have more important things to do, there will be enough people there and I won’t really be noticed being gone, blah blah blah.

We are all very used to doing nothing. And it’s getting worse!

We have too many distractions. We are too easily wooed by Instagram scrolling and TV show streaming! That’s unacceptable! We should all be ashamed of ourselves for missing ANYTHING that even comes close to resembling something important, for any kind of lazy scrolling or binge watching!

What else are we here for if not to support, care for, love, be present for, etc, etc. for our fellow humans!

Doing nothing should NOT even be an option. I’m guilty of it of course! We all are; BUT we can all change and become more aware of the times that we choose to do nothing versus doing good!

What does doing good mean?! Just do something! Some kind of act towards a direction of love or healing that can help not hurt, support not destroy, energize not be negative.

Imagine a world where we all acted like we could heal others through our ACTIONS! Wouldn’t that be wonderful?! No one would have time for scrolling through the bullshit. We would all be too full with LIFE and LOVE activities like helping your neighbor just because, or moving someones couch because you have a strong back, or just smiling at someone extra long because they might need it and even if they don’t and it’s weird, who cares because smiling is better than being in your head!

Imagine if you added up your daily amount of scrolling through social media or binge watching some shows and it equalled to what I imagine it to equal for most Americans: I’m going to say 2–3 hours per day. Yep, don’t judge that number. I bet that is VERY accurate.

So imagine if you took that same 2–3 hours and used it to HEAL the world through your own energy of help, guidance, presence, smiling, complimenting, encouraging, listening, slowing down, teaching, running to open the door for someone, telling someone a funny joke even if it’s not funny, laughing at yourself, playing with your kids, acting like a kid, and I think you get the point.

We have the time to heal the world. Let’s use it instead of waste it. WE ARE WASTING IT!

Heal away my friends!



Joey Torkildson

Intentional Living! Now is the time to experiment…don’t wait. Take action, create stories, get uncomfortable! Join me!