Drive the Speed Limit

Joey Torkildson
2 min readNov 8, 2020
Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

I’ve decided to be that guy! Where ever I go, I set my cruise control on the exact speed limit. I’m not entirely sure if this is accurate or not but I do think that the people behind me absolutely want to tear my head off. I assume the best though and continue on in my slow roll fashion.

What has me in such an anti American, lackadaisical state?

It might stem from David Cain’s Raptitude. Google it….I’m not sure though?

The frenetic energy of always running around all over the place at the fastest possible speed has a tendency to become a bit tiresome. Hit the gas and go….FAST! Yes I like that sometimes but recently I’ve decided to be a bit mindful and set the old cruise to just that perfect amount.

It’s teaching me all kinds of funny things.

  1. We get to where we are going at almost exactly the same time as if we are going 10–15 over the speed limit. You only gain a few minutes on your average run around town adventure.
  2. I have time to smile at people as they go flying by me.
  3. I enjoying looking around a bit more as things in the right lane keep you in the present more.
  4. I enjoying seeing people pissed behind me and then passing me giving me a scowl while I smile back. I do hope they wonder why they are so mad at some point in their future.
  5. I get better gas mileage which is an added bonus.
  6. Things just feel a bit more chill in the car which is weird but awesome.

Try it on for size for a few days and see how it feels?

Slowing down in general is great for your mental capability and your heart.



Joey Torkildson

Intentional Living! Now is the time to experiment…don’t wait. Take action, create stories, get uncomfortable! Join me!